148 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Interaksi Pendekatan Pembelajaran Dan Bentuk Tes Formatif Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi pendekatan pembelajaran dan bentuk tes formatif terhadap hasil belajar Matematika dengan mengontrol intelegensi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN 117 dan MIN II Palembang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain faktorial 2 x 2 dengan 72 siswa yang diambil melalui teknilk multi stage sampling. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara pendekatan pembelajaran dan bentuk tes formatif terhadap hasil belajar Matematika siswa, setelah mengontrol intelegensi siswa. Hal ini menunjukkan pengaruhnya tidak bisa dilihat dari pendekatan pembelajaran saja tapi dipengaruhi juga oleh bentuk tes formatif dengan mengontrol intelegensi


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    Tujuan dari makalah ini untuk menginformasikan sebagian dari penelitian hibah strategi nasional tahun 2012 yang menggunakan nilai-nilai kearifan yang diambil dari bermacam cerita rakyat Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah Design Research yang setiap siklusnya terdiri tiga langkah yaitu preliminary study, classroom eksperiment dan restropective analysis. Pada makalah ini hanya dibahas langkah preliminary saja. Kegiatan utama yang dilaksanakan meliputi investigasi berbagai cerita rakyat, analisis kurikulum, studi pustaka, dan pendisainan prototipe awal. Telah dihasilkan 7 Hypotetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) yang menggunakan konteks cerita rakyat Indonesia. Satu konteks cerita rakyat yaitu ‘Malin Kundang’ akan ditampilkan pada seminar ini. Kata kunci: HLT, Nilai-nilai Kearifan Lokal, Malin Kundang, PMRI, Cerita Rakyat, Design Researc

    Improving Mathematics Comunication Ability Of Students In Grade 2 Through PMRI Approach

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    The aim of this research is to find how can students improve their communication ability in mathematics classroom using PMRI approach. This descriptive research was conducted at second grade of SDN 117 Palembang. Subject of this research is 36 students. Data were collected using observation, and documentation technique. Based on some evidences, from six groups can be seen that they able to solved problems, communicate, discuss in their groups, and make a presentation. Key words: PMRI, Mathematics Comunicatio


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    The purpose of this study to determine the extent to which students' understanding in percent material by using the context of mobile phone batteries. The subject of the research is the fourth grade students of SD N 119 Palembang 31 pupils and with different ability, the method in this research uses research design research method as the right tool to reach the goal, this research using realistic mathematics education approach. The results of this study indicate that 20% of students can solve the problem percent to gradually difficult, while 80% of students have not arrived at the problem with a difficult stage. From the research students are easier to understand the percent by using mobile phone battery as the context and modeling mathematics of the model bar.   Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengukur sejauh mana pemahaman siswa dalam materi persen dengan menggunakan konteksbaterai handphone. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV SD N 119 Palembang sebanyak 31 siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan berbeda, metode mengenai penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian design research sebagai sarana yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan, penelitian iini menggunakan pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 20% siswa bisa menyelesaikan persoalan persen sampai ketahap susah, sedangkan 80% siswa belum sampai pada penyelesaian soal dengan tahap susah. Dari penelitian tersebut siswa lebih mudah memahami persen dengan menggunakan baterai handphone sebagai konteks dan pemodelan matematika dari model bar

    Using the Palembang’s Local Context in PISA-Like Mathematics Problem for Analyze Mathematics Literacy Ability of Students

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    This research is descriptive research that aims to describe how the ability of students' mathematical literacy in solving mathematical problems in the PISA model uses the Palembang context. The research subjects were 10th class in senior high school students. The data collection techniques used are written tests, observations, and interviews. The third technique is used to find out what mathematical abilities that arise when students work on mathematical problems in the PISA model using the Palembang context. There are seven mathematical abilities that emerge, such as 84% communication skills; 88,63% mathematical abilities; 100% representation ability; 68,21% reasoning and argument skills; 86,35% ability to choose strategies to solve problems; 70,45% ability to use symbolic, formal language, and techniques and operations; and 68,17% ability to use mathematics tools so that it can be concluded that the 10th class in senior high school students, who were the subjects of the study had mathematical literacy skills that were good enough

    Supporting Mathematics Teachers to Develop Jumping Task Using PISA Framework (JUMPISA)

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    The new revision of Curriculum 2013 stresses mathematics literacy tasks that force students to use their higher-order thinking skills (HOTs) and collaborative learning. In the Lesson study for the learning community,  teachers deal with two kinds of problems: easy task or sharing and jumping task. This paper aims to report the process of training or professional development of mathematics teachers in Palembang in developing tasks, both sharing and jumping, using the PISA framework. This research used the development research method. Three main activities during the training are: Introducing what and why PISA items from 2000 – 2018; Developing PISA-items for jumping task; and The formative evaluation to measure teachers’ knowledge after training. Results show that mathematics teachers who follow the training can produce their items, share, and jump, using the PISA framework. To conclude, the task design training program using examples of PISA like can support teachers in developing their task, both sharing and jumping


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    This study aimed to produce a set of valid, practice and had potential effects of PISA-like mathematics tasks using Asian Games context to support students learning. Design research and lesson study were used as the method both during the design and implementation stages. Target users are 15th years old middle school students from PMRI pilot schools in Palembang. Results show that a set of PISA-like problems on uncertainty and data content are valid, practical, and had a potential effect. Students were doing mathematics in a collaborative, and the learning process becomes meaningful and easily

    The Role of Context in Third Graders' Learning of Area Measurement

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    Many researches showed that the most of students find the difficulty in measuring area. The formula of area tends to be taught directly without involving the conceptual basis and the area measurement are separated from children's daily experiences. For this reason, the teaching and learning of area measurement was designed and link to a set of students' experience-based activities. The context of this research is Indonesian traditional handicraft namely anyaman. The study is situated in the context of implementing an Indonesian version of Realistic Mathematics Education, labeled as PMRI in Indonesia. Design Research methodology comprising preliminary design, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis is applied. This research described the investigation of the context as preliminary of teaching and learning about area measurement held in 3th grade of primary school SDN 119 Palembang. The result of the teaching experiment showed that problem embedded in a context could encourage the students to develop the idea of area measurement concept. The strategies through emergent modeling showed how students' contribution could be used to develop gradually their reasoning of area measurement concept. In the experience-based activities for learning area measurement, emergent modeling played an important role in the shift of students' reasoning from informal level towards formal mathematical concepts of area measurement

    Desain Pembelajaran PMRI Melalui Lesson Study pada Materi Menentukan Luas Permukaan Balok

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    This study aims to produce Student Worksheets 1 and 2 that use the Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education approach on the material of surface area of ​​the beam that is valid, practical and has a potential effect on the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This study uses a design research method of development studies at the preliminary analysis and formative evaluation stages. In addition, lesson study is also used as a system used during design and implementation in the classroom. The research subjects were 25 students of the Palembang IBA Foundation Elementary School. The results showed that Student Worksheets 1 and 2 which had been designed using the context of wrapping paper were valid, practical and had a potential effect on the learning process in the classroom. In conclusion, the use of Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education and lesson study at the time of implementation in the form of Student Worksheets with the context of wrapping paper in the classroom has helped students understand the concept of surface area of ​​a block, be able to solve problems and make learning more meaningful.   Keywords: PMRI, Design Research, Lesson Stud

    Junior high school students’ mathematical reasoning skills on integer using PMRI and collaborative learning

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    Students need to have good mathematical reasoning skills when learning integer material. The utilization of video media and collaborative learning through the PMRI technique can be used in learning activities to improve mathematical reasoning skills. This study aims to determine mathematical reasoning skills after implementing the learning process using video media with the PMRI approach and collaborative learning integer material for class VII students. This study is descriptive research in which participants are pupils in class VII SMP Srijaya Negara Palembang has 23 students (10 females and 13 males). This study consisted of two meetings. The first meeting focused on the learning process using video material with PMRI and collaborative learning. The second meeting was used to test the results. This study employs observational data gathering techniques, written tests, interviews, and descriptive data analysis approaches. The findings of a study are combining video media and the PMRI technique and collaborative learning on integer subjects in class VII. The skills of students in class VII to reason mathematically was discovered. On the subject of excellent integers, SMP Srijaya Negara Palembang students scored an average of 69.61. The sign of creating assumptions appears to be the most frequent in this study, while the indicator of concluding appears to be the least frequent. Students' mathematical thinking skills can be improved by using video media in conjunction with PMRI and Collaborative Learning during the learning process
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